Effective digital notetaking with Obsidian



Effective note taking is crucial for both students and scientist. It’s useful to manage tasks, capture key insights from papers, and write down new ideas. In this lecture, I will introduce you to my note taking software of choice. Obsidian is a highly customizable, markdown-based tool that lets you organize your notes efficiently and create interconnected webs of thoughts and ideas (also called “second brain” or “Zettelkasten”). Join me if you want to streamline your note taking process and keep organized records of your tasks, readings and ideas.

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Basic markdown syntax

You can use the following basic formatting syntax to format the text in your Obsidian notes

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

**bold** and *italic*   -> Hotkeys: Ctrl/Cmd + B and Ctrl/Cmd + I

- list item
- list item

1. numbered list item
2. numbered list item

- [ ] A task

[A link to a website](https://google.com) -> Hotkey: Ctrl/Cmd + K

# An R code snippet