Sebastian Hanß and Selina Baldauf
28 June, 2021
This image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY licence (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3332807).
This image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY licence (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3332807).
This is a collection of all digital parts of a research project including data, code, texts (protocols, reports, questionnaires, metadata). The collection is created in such a way that reproducing all results is straight forward.
(Definition from The Turing Way)
Mavick et al. 2018
R CMD check
: workflow package to automate tasks like project setup etc.pkgdown
: build a quick and easy website for your packagegoodpractice
: gives you advice about good practices when building R packagestestthat
: add unit testing to your packagetestthat
package (Hadley Wickham)“If it hurts, do it more often” (Martin Fowler)
packageThis image was created by Scriberia for The Turing Way community and is used under a CC-BY licence (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3332807).
R CMD check
Another excursion to Karthik Ram’s talk at RStudio::conf 2019