Efficient R

Scientific workflows: Tools and Tips 🛠️

Dr. Selina Baldauf


What is this lecture series?

Scientific workflows: Tools and Tips 🛠️

📅 Every 3rd Thursday 🕓 4-5 p.m. 📍 Webex

Main reference

Efficient R book by Gillespie and Lovelace, read it here

What is efficiency?

\[ \textsf{efficiency} = \frac{\textsf{work done}}{\textsf{unit of effort}} \]

Computational efficiency

💻 Computation time
💾 Memory usage

Programmer efficiency

🧍 How long does it take to

  • write code?
  • maintain code?
  • read and understand the code?

Tradeoffs and Synergies between these types of efficiencies


Principles and tools to make R programming more effiicent for 💻

Check out my talk “What they forgot to teach you about R” for first two levels

Efficient R code and optimization

How can I make my R code faster?

Is R slow?

  • R is slow compared to other programming languages (e.g. C++).

    • R is designed to make programming easy, not fast
  • R is not designed to be memory efficient

  • But: R is fast and memory efficient enough for most tasks.

Should I optimize?

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to remove all bottlenecks. Don’t! Your time is valuable and is better spent analysing your data, not eliminating possible inefficiencies in your code. Be pragmatic: don’t spend hours of your time to save seconds of computer time.
(Hadley Wickham in Advanced R)

Think about

  • How much time do I save by optimizing?
  • How often do I run the code?
  • How much time do I spend optimizing?

Often: Trade-off between readability and efficiency

Should I optimize?

If your code is to slow for you, you can go through these steps:

  1. If possible, run the code somewhere else

Run the code somewhere else

  • For this, RStudio has background jobs

  • Or: run it on a cluster (e.g. FU Curta)

Should I optimize?

If your code is to slow for you, you can go through these steps:

  1. If possible, run the code somewhere else
  1. Identify the critical (slow) parts of your code
  2. Then optimize only the bottlenecks

Identify critical parts of your code

Profiling & Benchmarking to measure the speed and memory use of your code

Profiling R code

What are the speed & memory bottlenecks in my code?

Profiling R code

You can profile a section of code like this:

# install.packages("profvis")

# Create a data frame with 150 columns and 400000 rows
df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(150 * 400000), nrow = 400000))

  # Calculate mean of each column and put it in a vector
  means <- apply(df, 2, mean)

  # Subtract mean from each value in the table
  for (i in seq_along(means)) {
    df[, i] <- df[, i] - means[i]

Profiling R code

Profvis flame graph shows time and memory spent in each line of code.

Profiling R code

Profvis data view for details on time spent in each function in the call stack.

Profiling R code

You can also interactively profile code in RStudio:

  • Go to Profile -> Start profiling
  • Now interactively run the code you want to profile
  • Go to Profile -> Stop profiling to see the results

Benchmarking R code

Which version of the code is faster?

# Fill a data frame in a loop
f1 <- function() {
  x <- data.frame(a = numeric(), b = numeric())
  for (i in 1:1e4) {
    x[i, ] <- c(i, i)

# Fill a data frame directly with vectors
f2 <- function() {
  x <- data.frame(a = 1:1e4, b = 1:1e4)

Benchmarking R code

Use the microbenchmark package to compare the functions:

# install.packages("microbenchmark")

compare_functions <- microbenchmark(
  old = f1(),
  new = f2(),
  times = 10 # default is 100

#> Unit: microseconds
#>  expr       min        lq      mean     median      uq       max neval cld
#>   old 3020299.9 3148224.8 3477195.5 3330624.60 3881289 4231654.5    10  a 
#>   new     204.8     296.9     718.7     335.85     516    4034.3    10   b

We can look at benchmarking results using ggplot


Benchmarking R code

Optimize your code

  • Basic principles
  • Data analysis bottlenecks
  • Advanced optimization: Parallelization and C++

Basic principles

Vectorize your code

  • Vectors are central to R programming
  • R is optimized for vectorized code
    • Implemented directly in C/Fortran
  • Vector operations can often replace for-loops in R
  • If there is a vectorized version of a function: Use it

Vectorize your code

Example: Calculate the log of every value in a vector and sum up the result

# A vector with 1 million values
x <- 1:1e6

  for_loop = {
    log_sum <- 0
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      log_sum <- log_sum + log(x[i])
  sum = sum(log(x)),
  times = 10
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>      expr      min       lq      mean    median       uq      max neval cld
#>  for_loop 116.5736 124.5762 138.09591 139.41500 144.2552 175.4058    10  a 
#>       sum  39.0255  50.0998  55.92386  51.99125  70.2841  73.6352    10   b

For-loops in R

  • For-loops are relatively slow and it is easy to make them even slower with bad design

  • Often they are used when vectorized code would be better

  • For loops can often be replaced, e.g. by

    • Functions from the apply family (e.g. apply, lapply, …)
    • Vectorized functions (e.g. sum, colMeans, …)
    • Vectorized functions from the purrr package (e.g. map)

But: For loops are not necessarily bad, sometimes they are the best solution and more readable than vectorized code.

Cache variables

If you use a value multiple times, store it in a variable to avoid re-calculation

Example: Calculate column means and normalize them by the standard deviation

# A matrix with 1000 columns
x <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol = 1000)

  no_cache = apply(x, 2, function(i) mean(i) / sd(x)),
  cache = {
    sd_x <- sd(x)
    apply(x, 2, function(i) mean(i) / sd_x)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>      expr      min       lq      mean    median        uq      max neval cld
#>  no_cache 130.3633 147.2735 166.20257 158.29205 179.40650 333.9536   100  a 
#>     cache   8.2358   9.6942  11.86932  11.06015  12.80075  24.3593   100   b

Efficient data analysis

Efficient workflow

  • Prepare the data to be clean and concise for analysis
    • Helps to avoid unnecessary calculations
  • Save intermediate results
    • Don’t re-run time consuming steps if not necessary
  • Use the right packages and functions

Read data

Example: Read csv data on worldwide emissions of greenhouse gases (~14000 rows, 7 cols).

  • Base-R functions to read csv files are:
    • read.table
    • read.csv
  • There are many alternatives to read data, e.g.:
    • read_csv from the readr package (tidyverse)
    • fread from the data.table package

Read data

Compare some alternative reading functions

file_path_csv <- here::here("slides/data/ghg_ems_large.csv")

compare_input <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  read.csv = read.csv(file_path_csv),
  read_csv = readr::read_csv(file_path_csv, progress = FALSE, show_col_types = FALSE),
  fread = data.table::fread(file_path_csv, showProgress = FALSE),
  times = 10


Read data

Use plain text data

Reading plain text is faster than excel files

file_path_xlsx <- here::here("slides/data/ghg_ems_large.xlsx")

compare_excel <- microbenchmark(
  read_csv = readr::read_csv(file_path_csv, progress = FALSE, show_col_types = FALSE),
  read_excel = readxl::read_excel(file_path_xlsx),
  times = 10


Use plain text data

Write data

  • Base-R functions to write files are:
    • write.table
    • write.csv
  • Faster alternatives are:
    • write_csv from the readr package (tidyverse)
    • fwrite from the data.table package

Write data

Efficient data manipulation

Different packages offer fast and efficient data manipulation and analysis:

  • dplyr package has a C++ backend and is often faster than base R
  • data.table package is fast and memory efficiency
    • Syntax is quite different from base R and tidyverse
  • collapse package is a C++ based and specifically developed for fast data analysis
    • Works together with both tidyverse and data.table workflows
    • Many functions similar to base R or dplyr just with prefix “f” (e.g. fselect, fmean, …)

Summarize data by group

Example: Summarize mean carbon emissions from Electricity by Country


Summarize data by group

Example: Summarize mean carbon emissions from Electricity by Country

# 1. The data table way
# Convert the data to a data.table
summarize_dt <- function(){
  ghg_ems[, mean(Electricity, na.rm = TRUE), by = Country]

# 2. The dplyr way
summarize_dplyr <- function(){
  ghg_ems |>
      group_by(Country) |>
      summarize(mean_e = mean(Electricity, na.rm = TRUE))

# 3. The collapse way
summarize_collapse <- function(){
  ghg_ems |>
      fgroup_by(Country) |>
      fsummarise(mean_e = fmean(Electricity))

Summarize data by group

Example: Summarize mean carbon emissions from Electricity by Country

# compare the speed of all versions
  dplyr = summarize_dplyr(),
  data_table = summarize_dt(),
  collapse = summarize_collapse(),
  times = 10
#> Unit: microseconds
#>        expr     min      lq     mean   median      uq     max neval cld
#>       dplyr 14790.6 15268.5 17610.55 15896.70 17849.3 31915.9    10  a 
#>  data_table  1807.9  1896.3  3303.93  1978.45  2583.2 11115.6    10   b
#>    collapse   452.7   538.0  1595.99   576.20  1720.4  5854.5    10   b

Select columns

Example: Select columns Country, Year, Electricity, Transportation

  dplyr = select(ghg_ems, Country, Year, Electricity, Transportation),
  data_table = ghg_ems[, .(Country, Electricity, Transportation)],
  collapse = fselect(ghg_ems, Country, Electricity, Transportation),
  times = 10
#> Unit: microseconds
#>        expr    min     lq    mean  median     uq     max neval cld
#>       dplyr 5286.3 5808.9 6946.64 5969.85 7321.2 12978.6    10  a 
#>  data_table  761.3 1017.7 1132.57 1065.05 1178.8  1882.5    10   b
#>    collapse   16.2   18.1   51.58   35.50   36.6   255.5    10   b

Advanced optimization

Parallelization and C++


By default, R works on one core but CPUs have multiple cores

# Find out how many cores you have with the parallel package
# install.packages("parallel")
#> [1] 8



Parallelization with the futureverse

  • future is a framework to help you parallelize existing R code
    • Parallel versions of base R apply family
    • Parallel versions of purrr functions
    • Parallel versions of foreach loops
  • Find more details here
  • Find a tutorial for different use cases here

A slow example

Let’s create a very slow square root function

slow_sqrt <- function(x){
  Sys.sleep(1) # simulate 1 second of computation time

Before you run anything in parallel, tell R how many cores to use:

# Plan parallel session with 6 cores
plan(multisession, workers = 6)

Parallel apply functions

To run the function on a vector of numbers we could use

The sequential version

# to measure the runtime

# create a vector of 10 numbers
x <- 1:10 

result <- lapply(x, slow_sqrt)
#> 10.23 sec elapsed

The parallel version

# Load future.apply package

result <- future_lapply(x, slow_sqrt)
#> 4.23 sec elapsed

Parallel apply functions

Selected base R apply functions and their future versions:

base future.apply
lapply future_lapply
sapply future_sapply
vapply future_vapply
mapply future_mapply
tapply future_tapply
apply future_apply
Map future_Map

Parallel for loops

A normal for loop:

z <- list()
for (i in 1:10){
  z[i] <- slow_sqrt(i)

Use foreach to write the same loop

z <- foreach(i = 1:10) %do% {

Parallel for loops

Use doFuture and foreach package to parallelize for loops

The sequential version


z <- foreach(i = 1:10) %do% {
#> 10.19 sec elapsed

The parallel version


z <- foreach(i = 1:10) %dofuture% {
#> 2.84 sec elapsed

Close multisession

When you are done working in parallel, explicitly close your multisession:

# close the multisession plan

Replace slow code with C++

  • Use the Rcpp package to re-write R functions in C++
  • Rcpp is also used internally by many R packages to make them faster
  • Requirements:
    • C++ compiler installed
    • Some knowledge of C++
  • See this book chapter and the online documentation for more info

Rewrite a function in C++

Example: R function to calculate Fibonacci numbers

# A function to calculate Fibonacci numbers
fibonacci_r <- function(n){
  if (n < 2){
  } else {
    return(fibonacci_r(n - 1) + fibonacci_r(n - 2))

# Calculate the 30th Fibonacci number
#> [1] 832040

Rewrite a function in C++

Use cppFunction to rewrite the function in C++:


# Rewrite the fibonacci_r function in C++
fibonacci_cpp <- cppFunction(
  'int fibonacci_cpp(int n){
    if (n < 2){
    } else {
      return(fibonacci_cpp(n - 1) + fibonacci_cpp(n - 2));

# calculate the 30th Fibonacci number
#> [1] 832040

Rewrite a function in C++

You can also source C++ functions from C++ scripts.

C++ script fibonacci.cpp:

#include "Rcpp.h"

// [[Rcpp::export]]
int fibonacci_cpp(const int x) {
   if (x < 2) return(x);
   return (fibonacci(x - 1)) + fibonacci(x - 2);

Then source the function in your R script using sourceCpp:


# Use the function in your R script like you are used to

How much faster is C++?

  r = fibonacci_r(30),
  rcpp = fibonacci_cpp(30),
  times = 10
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>  expr       min       lq       mean    median        uq       max neval cld
#>     r 1500.8667 1565.980 1695.35756 1629.9862 1780.3685 2059.7378    10  a 
#>  rcpp    2.3096    2.322    2.68697    2.5622    2.8446    3.5691    10   b


Next lecture

Topic t.b.a.

📅 18th January 🕓 4-5 p.m. 📍 Webex

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